Things You Should Know Before Going to College

It's Time to Digitally Transform Community College | EdSurge News

College is a new experience that can help someone transition from their high school lives into adulthood. Following basic advice on things to do and not do during college will create some ease in the college experience.

Your first year can be wild, take it slow

Many people look at college as a get away from their parents, an opportunity for freedom. While college does provide that, it is important to be able to step back and take in your situation. There is a lot of new stimulus for people to take in which is why it is best to slow down and make sure you don’t regret your choices.

College goes by faster than you think.

Four years seems like a life time for a college freshman but in reality, it goes by incredibly fast. Enjoy these years while you have them because nothing lasts forever.

Renting a house is cheaper than living in the dorms.

Sure, living in the dorms is easy but the cost of dorms is significantly higher than renting off campus. Renting off campus also allows for new experiences and growth. You will learn how to rent a house, live with roommates, and be responsible for your space.

A student loan is not free money.

Eliminate or Radically Restructure Federal Student Loans — The James G.  Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Most college students take out loans to pay for their education but the downside is that most of those individuals spend their adult life working to pay off those loans. It is important to emphasize that a loan is not free money, there are interests rates and it can negatively effect your credit.

Get college credits in high school.

College is expensive and every credit is an extra couple hundred dollars that you are spending on your education. High school is a great time to work on those pre-requisites as many high schools offer college credit opportunities. It also helps individuals graduate at a faster rate.

You will out grow people.

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College is all about growth but growth always has a downside. There will be people in your life that no longer benefit you and your growth during this time and that is okay. It is perfectly normal to move on from people that no longer help your growth. Out growing people doesn’t mean there is something wrong with your relationship but rather the relationship does not need to be maintained as it is no longer mutually beneficial.

Making friends is difficult for everyone.

You are not going through this alone. There are plenty of people entering the the college life and are having difficulties finding their group of people. Remember this when you’re wondering if you should go and talk to a stranger because chances are, they are thinking about going up to you too.

You are responsible for your actions.

Your parents are no longer around to clean up your messes. It is time to take responsibility for your behavior as you are the only one that can control it. Every choice that you make is your own and every consequence that can result from that choice will be yours to endure.

Not all classes will impress you.

Sleep | University Health Service

There is a notion that college classes will be surrounded by your interests as it will focus on your major but that is not always the case. There will be classes that do not impress you whether it’s the content or the teacher.

Where you go to school can determine where your opportunities are.

Colleges can provide opportunities for students before and after graduation. The downside is that those opportunities will likely be geographically located near the school. Universities create connections near their location therefore the opportunities the school can provide will be unlikely to reach outside of their community.

Get to know your professors.

You should really get to know your professors for one simple reason, a professor is more likely to help a student that they know than one that they are only on a first name basis with. If that isn’t enough of a reason to get to know your professors, they are also good connections, they know more about your school than you do, and they are more than just a professor, they are people too.

Do not buy textbooks.

Copyright and Open Textbooks: The Case of Boundless - The Scholarly Kitchen

Rent, rent, rent. Do not purchase a textbook that you are going to read for 10 weeks and then never look at it again. Also, before renting, check to see if the teacher has any assignments that require the textbook. Many times, professors will assign a textbook but never have any intention of using it for class purposes. Textbooks are expensive so be aware of what you are spending your money on.

Change difficult classes to pass/no pass.

Protect your GPA. One C can tank your straight As which is why finding out grade modes for classes is important. If you are taking on a difficult class, changing the grading mode to pass no pass will not impact your GPA at all and therefore release a lot of stress.

8am classes are ONLY meant for early birds.

Early Bird | Community-Life Church

If you are not an early bird, do not take an 8am class. You will not go. You are going to school to learn and learning cannot take place when you are absent.

Trust your advisor.

Your advisor is there to help you graduate and get ready for the future. Go to them with all questions, plans, and ideas about your future as they can put you on the correct course. These individuals are a great resource to further your future.

Keep your caffeine, alcohol, and drug intake to a minimum.

We all know what happens in college and there is no point in telling people to not take part in these activities. With this in mind, moderation is key as there is no problem with trying new things as long as it is not negatively impacting you. College is not a place where you can become addicted with no consequences.

Use the resources that the school provides.

College provides resources to allow their students be as successful as possible. Resources like the health center, tutor center, multicultural center and more are able to provide the assistance needed for a cheap or free price.

Everyone is going through the same things that you are.

It’s always important to remember that you are not alone. There are plenty of others who are having difficulty in college and facing all the new choices that they must make. Adapting to college life can be difficult but remember that others have gone through the same thing is a good reminder.

College is not for everyone.

No one NEEDS college. College is for those who want to take on extra learning and have the ability to do so. Going to college does not make someone better than those who choose a different route. If there is any point in which a person realizes they do not want to continue to go to college then that is okay.

Success doesn’t come with a degree.

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A degree might get you in the door for an interview but it won’t get you a job. A degree may give you the social skills to speak to a manager but it won’t make you good at the job. A degree is only as important as the work ethic of the individual. Those who work hard will be successful and those who do not work hard but have a diploma, paid for an expensive piece of paper.

College is all about trying new things and finding yourself therefore these pieces of advise have come from experience but everyone will experience different things. Try new things, make mistakes, and let future college generations about those mistakes you wish you had known about before making them.

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